ورشة تدريبية لايميديات في محافظة العقبة

حضر عدد من ممثلي مؤسسات المجتمع المدني في محافظة العقبة ورشة تدريبية لبرنامج ايميديات حول التخطيط الاستراتيجي للاعلام الاجتماعي وانشاء صفحات فيس بوك.
اقيمت الورشة في السابع عشر من الشهر الحالي في مقر هيئة شباب كلنا الأردن.
واستطاع المشاركون في نهاية الورشة انشاء خطط استراتيجية للاعلام الاجتماعي لمؤسساتهم، كما استطاعواانشاء صفحات لمؤسساتهم على الفيسبوك.

ورشة تدريبية لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني المشاركة في برنامج إيميديات حول إنشاء المدونات وتنسيقها

شارك ممثلو مؤسسات المجتمع المدني المشاركة في دورات برنامج الإعلام الجديد من محافظات الزرقاء، المفرق ومادبا في الورشة التدريبية التي أقامها البرنامج حول إنشاء المدونات وتنسيقها. وكانت الورشة التدريبية قد أقيمت في شهر أكتوبر 2011 بهدف بناء قدرات المؤسسات في مجال إنشاء المدونات وتنسيقها بما يتناسب مع احتياجات المؤسسة.

كان المتدربون في نهاية الورشة التدريبية قادرين على إنشاء مدونات لمؤسساتهم وتنسيق محتواها ونشر مقالات منوعة متعلقة بأنشطة المؤسسة.

مشاركة متدربين من إيميديات الأردن في ورشة عمل بعنوان "مدخل للفيديوهات الرقمية" من تنظيم أيركس وأنا ديجيتال

شارك عدد من متدربي برنامج ايميديات الأردن في الدورة التدريبية التي نظمتها أيركس وأنا ديجيتال يومي 30/9 و 1/10 والتي كانت بعنوان مدخل للفيديوهات الرقمية.
تناولت الورشة العديد من الجوانب المتعلقة بالإعلام الاجتماعي مع التركيز على مهارات إنتاج فيديوهات "إعلانات الخدمة المدنية" ومشاركتها عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.
استهدفت الدورة الناشطين الشباب من كلا الجنسين في الفئة العمريّة ما بين 18 إلى 25 سنة من كافة أنحاء المملكة وبالأخص أولئك الناشطون الذين سينقلون هذه التجربة إلى عملهم أو أماكن تطوّعهم في المنظّمات أو الحركات الشبابيّة.

في نهاية الورشة التدريبية كان المتدربون قادرون على انتاج أفلام إعلانات الخدمة العامة ونشرها عبر مواقع الاعلام الاجتماعي.

Insights on the E-mediat Jordan progress....

During our meeting with Mafraq trainees' on Saturday September 10th, trainees mentioned that the E-mediat program enhanced their ability to network and coordinate with each other in addition to allowing them the chance to create linkages and leveraging opportunities with potential partners on the local and national levels.
Mr. Fare'e Al Masaeed from Mafraq noted that he was able to connect with NGOs in Aqaba via Facebook and currently working on a program to enhance the capacity of schools within the two governorates.

Sumaya Mumani from Ajloun mentioned that he knowledge of social media now is enabling her to engage with donors and private sector companies as feels she can communicate with them in a professional and up to the standards level.

Jinan from Mafraq mentioned that she recently received a grant from MEPI and started handicrafts projects and she intends to develop videos once she receives the flip camera. She mentioned that she lives almost 90 km away from Mafraq and women are not encouraged to attend the training programs in her village...with her Facebook page and videos to be developed, she hopes she will be able to communicate the benefits and if women are not to attend the workshops then maybe they can start something of their own in their own villages. Trainees realize the power of social media, however, limited internet access and modest infrastructure at NGOs is a challenge.

On a separate note, social strategies were submitted to a USAID project and 20 NGOs from the E-mediat Jordan project are approved to receive grants to enhance communications and social networking as proposed in the strategies.

E-Mediat Jordan conducts its first supplemental training on FrontPage for website development .

E-Mediat Jordan conducts its first supplemental training on FrontPage for website development for 48 participants of the program from the governorates of Mafraq, Madaba, Zarqa, Ajloun and Irbid. The training took place during the month of June in collaboration with NewHorizons in Amman.

Positive feedback was received from the trainees on the program as they started working on their organizations' websites.

Afaf from Madaba mentioned that the training will enable her to develop a website for her organization to communicate the organization's ongoing projects and future proposals for funding.

Samah from Mafraq mentioned that the group is excited about the training which comes inline with the development of social strategies and believe that website development will enhance the visibility of her Society online.

The E-Mediat Jordan team met with the Honorable Tom Perriello.

May 25, 2011

Honorable Tom Perriello message to E-Mediat Jordan

Today, the E-Mediat Jordan team was hosted at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) in Jordan and met with the Honorable Tom Perriello who was a member of the United States Congress, elected to represent Central and Southern Virginia. He served on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Committee on Veterans Affairs, and was named one of the 40 most influential people in Washington under the age of 40. Before serving in Congress, Tom co-founded Avaaz.org, the world’s largest on-line advocacy group that operates in 16 languages with 8 million active members worldwide. He also helped to launch on-line organizations addressing global poverty and genocide, and won awards for his use of social networking in politics. Tom Perriello has served as an international advisor on justice and democracy in Africa, Latin American, and Asia, and has been working since January in the Middle East and North Africa. He has taught courses at the University of Virginia School of Law and the University of Sierra Leone, and holds degrees from Yale University and the Yale Law School.
Mr. Perriello spoke of his experience with social media, strategies and tactics of engagement and campaigning and discussed with the team of the E-Mediat Jordan ways and means to engage civil society organizations in the program and utilize online/offline activities to promote their missions and achievements. Ms. Monika Le Roy, Deputy Chief of Party of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) in Jordan attended the meeting.

انطلاق ورشة العمل الأولى لبرنامج إيميديات في محافظة مادبا.

 بدأ برنامج إيميدات – الإعلام الجديد ورشات عمله في مركز مليح للتنمية في محافظة مادبا يوم السبت الموافق 14-5-2011 حيث امتدت ورشة عمل وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية والمنظمات الشبكية على مدار يومين تدريبين، شارك خلالها 16 ممثل عن جمعيات ومؤسسات خدمة المجتمع المدني في محافظة مادبا

وشارك الممثلون خلال الورشة في أنشطة البرنامج التقييمية المختلفة لمؤسساتهم في مجال الإعلام الاجتماعي. وتميزت ورشة العمل بدفع المشاركين للتخطيط الاستراتيجي للاعلام في مؤسساتهم من خلال الأنشطة والشروحات التي قدمها فريق البرنامج في الأردن.

بعض من اراء المتدربين في نهاية اليوم الثاني لورشة العمل:

"سعيدة جدا بالتحاقي بالبرنامج، الان أصبحت قادرة على التمييز بين المؤسسات الشبكية غير الربحية والمؤسسات غير الشبكية" هيا قبيلات.
"اعتدت العمل الفردي، التحاقي بتدريب إيميديات أتاح لي الفرصة للعمل الجماعي والحوار والمشاركة في عصف ذهني! أحببت نشاط خريطة المؤسسة!" نائل القبيلات.

"نشاط الطيف الانساني الذي بدأنا به ورشة العمل ملأني بالثقة أنه سيكون يوما مثمرا، مليئا بالطرق المبتكرة في التدريب!" أسماء الرواحنة.

"نشاط الزحف، السير، الركض والطيران كان وسيلة مميزة لتقييم المؤسسة، سأشارك هذا التقييم مؤسستي قريبا". كمال الشوابكة.

وتنطلق فعاليات ورشة العمل الأولى للبرنامج في محافظة الزرقاء يوم السبت الموافق 28-5-2011 لتشمل مشاركين من مختلف المناطق المجاورة لمحافظة الزرقاء.

MoUs Signing Ceremony marking the official launch of the e-mediat program.

May 4, 2011 

MoU Signing Ceremony

The E-Mediat program official launch took place on May 4 at the Sheraton hotel in the presence of 20 representatives from partnering civil society organizations including the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) and the Family Guidance and Awareness Center in Zarqa in addition to officials from the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) and the National Information Technology Center (NITC) in Jordan.

Opening remarks by E-Mediat Country Director, Ms. Nermeen Obeidat, highlighted the unique partnership that is taking place between the program and local partnering NGOs, the process of applying and selection of participating NGOs in the program and next steps included in the program namely the training capacity building programs that will be offered by the program to targeted NGOs with a focus on ways and means to create networked non-profit organizations.

Mr. Mohammed Hyarri, Financial and Administrative Manager of JOHUD, stressed the importance of social media in enhancing capabilities of civil society in Jordan, and ensured full support to the program during the implementation phase.

Mrs. Kawthar, Deputy Manager of the Family Guidance and Awareness Center thanked the Institute of International Education (IIE) for the programs offered to NGOs in Jordan starting with the Women and Technology program (WIT) that was initiated in the year 2007 and is still sustainable through the Center to date and continuing efforts to build the capacity of NGOs through the E-Mediat program with the objective to enable NGOs to better communicate their mission and promote their activities across targeted stakeholders.

The event was concluded with signing the Memorandum of Understandings MoUs and a small networking reception.


E-mediat Jordan visits partnering NGOs in Madaba and Mafraq

April 25, 2011 

From the right: e-mediat Program Coordinator meets potential trainee from local civil society organizations in Madaba

During the past two days, and inline with the official launch of the E-Mediat program in Jordan, more than 50 civil society organizations were met in Madaba and Mafraq and 35 representatives were approved to join the program.

Strategic partnering NGO, the Hashemite Fund for Social Development
JOHUD in both locations, organized and co-interviewed the candidates for further insights on the scope of work of these organizations, on-going projects, and future plans to become networked non-profit organizations.

" Despite geographical challenges and limited internet connectivity in our villages, we are determined to make the best out of this program as we want to create better linkages with donors and other organizations working in the same field to achieve objectives set" said Wa'ad from Umm Al Jimal in Mafraq.

" We want to promote traditional Jordanian food because new generations are not familiar with it...we want them to know about Fateet, Burgol, and Kbab and the history and unique traditions behind it" Eman from Nashmiyyat Al Badiya commented with a smile.

" We have a high percentage of Diabetics in Mafraq... they need sponsorship for their medication, however, I want social media not only to help me collect such sponsorships but to also promote awareness of this medical condition and ways and means to prevent it...this is our responsibilities towards our children and generations to come" Mr. Jazi from Diabetes and Cancer Society mentioned.

" We want to create playgrounds, walkways, and healthy public spaces in Mafraq to fight obesity and unhealthy eating habits and we hope the program will help us to promote awareness across targeted groups" Samah from Rahma Society said.

Ms. Balqees Al Shawabkeh from Madaba Troop said that this program will be a great opportunity to help them in announcing for their troop activities such as Educational Drama activities through strategically planning for advertising campaigns, she added that she was waiting for such training program.

" I personally use facebook since a while, but we never were able to use it in a professional way to communicate and build relationships to support the society" Mr. Ali Al Nawafa’ah from Zaid bin Thabet Society said.

e-mediat Jordan and strategic partner in Zarqa Family Guidance and Awareness Center meet potential candidates to join the program

Country Director meets potential trainees from local civil society organizations in Zarqa

The e-mediat team, in collaborate with Family Guidance and Awareness Center, met with the participants from Zarqa on April 20, 2011. One-on-one interviews were conducted with applicants from 15 civil society organizations working in the sectors of women empowerment, child labor, poverty alleviation, employment, caring of orphans, in addition to youth matters.

During the meetings, applicants expressed their interest in the program and their hope to network with relevant NGOs in Jordan and the Region through this program in addition to strategically design and conduct awareness and advocacy campaigns regarding issues of concern.

Mrs Hayatt from National Forum of Women Committees mentioned that the E-Mediat program will enable members of the Association connect to each other and work together on set projects and initiatives away from duplication.

Ms. Batoul from All Jordan Youth said that the program will enable her to complement skills she already obtains and would enable her to transfer knowledge to other youth to design their own websites, blogs and Facebook pages.

Mrs. Rajwa from Housing Association said that her elder son designed her Facebook page and taught her how to use the page and connect to others, however, she wants to teach him something in return and is looking for the program to enable her to do so!

Mr. Ra'afat Thahrawi commented that he is very interested in the program and is looking forward to the type of knowledge he will gain which will assist him enhance the role of his NGO in the local community.

Ms. Basma from Dar Al Rahman Society stressed on the importance of staying up-to-date with regards to social media in order to outreach to targeted groups namely women who are not working and staying home most of the time.

The meeting was concluded with presenting the E-Mediat Training Plan and next steps to start the actual training on Workshop I entitled Social Media & Networked NGOs Overview and Strategic Planning

Day 1 of the workshop will include an introduction to social media for civil society and networked NGOs namely principles of best practices in social media. Day 2 will focus on creating NGOs social media strategy plans while Day 3 will include coaching in small groups and one-on-one for NGOs and CSOs and training on how to use the E-Mediat Online Learning Community (OLC)

Capacity Building of Jordanian Civil Society in the area of new media starts in April 2011

Following awareness workshops and meetings to promote the e-mediat program in Jordan, the process of applying to the program has started. It is expected that more than 150 NGOs in five main governorates to inlcude Irbid, Mafraq, Zarqa, Madaba, and Aqaba Special Economic Zone will apply to the program. Based on applications submitted, profile of the NGO, scope of work and upcoming projects involving online capainging, networking and marketing, 15-20 representative from each governorate will be selected and will start the training. 

emediat TOT Day 2 summary

The social culture of civil society organizations in Jordan is still young but promising as NGOs are getting exposed to relevant digital communications tools and have access to IT infrastructure offered by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology and through their national knowledge stations program .

Civil society organizations in Jordan are open networks as they allow communications regarding their mission, vision, objectives, scope of work and on-going projects in addition to addressing their issues and challenges.

Nakhweh is a leading example of free agent supporting fortress NGOs in Jordan.

Enjoy jo map !

The Jordan emediat team has mapped out the network during day1 ToT emediat New media training for NGOs , lets see how that unfolds in a few months !
PROGRAM BACKGROUND: New Media is a new technology training and capacity building program developed in response to Secretary Clinton’s announcement of Civil Society 2.0, an initiative which helps grassroots organizations around the world use digital technology to tell their stories, build membership and support, and connect to their community of peers around the world.

PARTNERS: The program is funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) of the United States Department of State with support from Microsoft. The program is managed by the Institute of International Education (IIE), and implemented with a coalition of leading new media experts and local and international partners from the public and private sectors.

COUNTRIES: New Media will be implemented in five countries:
• Jordan
• Morocco
• United Arab Emirates

PROGRAM DETAILS: New Media will deliver targeted, cutting-edge new media training and coaching to a diverse group of 150 - 250 NGOs in order to build their digital infrastructure and capacity to use new media effectively. The program will create networks of diverse individuals and organizations that share knowledge, skills, and best practices in digital activism, new media, and advocacy.

In-country trainings will start in April 2011.